Sembla que Bruce Springsteen, The Boss, vindrà a Barcelona també. El 19 de juliol actuarà amb The E Street Band al Camp Nou. Ja tinc ganes que es posin a la venda les entrades per veure un dels cantants que més m'agrada. Ahir va tocar a Madrid i avui toca Bilbao. Espero poder aconseguir entrades. He llegit ara al diari que dijous es posen a la venda a la FNAC a les 10 del matí. O pel TickTack Ticket. Mmmmm: Tan de bo pugui trobar-ne. Aquesta em serà més difícil.
El vaig conéixer el 80 amb "The River" i llavors vaig començar a investigar i buscar els seus discos anteriors.
Abans no era com ara. No era fàcil trobar discos d'importació. O era molt car. Però valia la pena.
I malgrat discos no gaire bons ( o no tan rodons ) o diferents, segueix sent un referent pel rock.
Amb quina cançó de tantes que té em quedaria? És difícil, però la primera que vaig sentir em va encantar i encara m'agrada molt.
Your Mamma's yappin' in the back seat
Tell her to push over and move them big feet
Every Monday morning I gotta drive her down to the unemployment agency
Well this morning I ain't fighting tell her I give up
Tell her she wins if she'll just shut up
But it's the last time that she's gonna be ridin' with me
You can tell her there's a hot sun beatin' on the black top
She keeps talkin' she'll be walkin' that last block
She can take a subway back to the ghetto tonight
Well I got some beer and the highway's free
And I got you, and baby you've got me.
Hey, hey, hey what you say Sherry Darlin'
Now there's girls melting on the beach
And they're so fine but so far out of reach
Cause I'm stuck in traffic down here on 53rd street
Now Sherry my love for you is real
But I didn't count on this package deal
And baby this car just aint big enough for her and me
So you can tell her there's a hot sun beatin' on the black top
She keeps talkin' she'll be walkin' that last block
She can take a subway back to the ghetto tonight
Well I got some beer and the highway's free
And I got you, and baby you've got me.
Hey, hey, hey what you say Sherry Darlin'
Well let there be sunlight, let there be rain
Let the brokenhearted love again
Sherry we can run with our arms open before the tide
To all the girls down at Sacred Heart
And all you operators back in the Park
Say hey, hey, hey what you say Sherry Darlin'
Hey, hey, hey, what you say Sherry Darlin'
Your Mamma's yappin' in the back seat
Tell her to push over and move them big feet
Every Monday morning I gotta drive her down to the unemployment agency
Well this morning I ain't fighting tell her I give up
Tell her she wins if she'll just shut up
But it's the last time that she's gonna be ridin' with me
You can tell her there's a hot sun beatin' on the black top
She keeps talkin' she'll be walkin' that last block
She can take a subway back to the ghetto tonight
Well I got some beer and the highway's free
And I got you, and baby you've got me.
Hey, hey, hey what you say Sherry Darlin'
Now there's girls melting on the beach
And they're so fine but so far out of reach
Cause I'm stuck in traffic down here on 53rd street
Now Sherry my love for you is real
But I didn't count on this package deal
And baby this car just aint big enough for her and me
So you can tell her there's a hot sun beatin' on the black top
She keeps talkin' she'll be walkin' that last block
She can take a subway back to the ghetto tonight
Well I got some beer and the highway's free
And I got you, and baby you've got me.
Hey, hey, hey what you say Sherry Darlin'
Well let there be sunlight, let there be rain
Let the brokenhearted love again
Sherry we can run with our arms open before the tide
To all the girls down at Sacred Heart
And all you operators back in the Park
Say hey, hey, hey what you say Sherry Darlin'
Hey, hey, hey, what you say Sherry Darlin'
7 comentaris:
Pobre de tu que em prenguis l'entrada! ;) és que és tan maco i canta tan bé, i hi posa tantes ganes...
Diuen que aquest estiu que ve, vendrà a Palma, a tocar al camp de futbol del mallorqueta jeje. L'Ajuntament està fent gestions. Ja veurem... ;D
Voldria enviar-te una informació sobre la trobada de la Catosfera. Si et sembla bé, envia'm el teu correu a
Doncs lluitarem per les entrades. Jejejeje.
Però maco maco el que es diu maco, no sé que dir-te ;)
I si, Caterina, hi ha molts llocs on diuen que anirà el Boss. Fins i tot el volen a Valladolid. Jejeje
Doncs tinc dues entrades. Volia 4 però ha sigut impossible. 2 per un cantó, 1 possible per un altre i amb el tick tack ticket impossible.
Jo faig temps veient el dvd Live in Barcelona
De moment esperarem amb dvd o videos del youtube
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